Blog Update – # 12 - Aug 2008
Seen on a car in Road Town
HERE"S THE VID!!!!!!!!!!
Hello good reader,
Well another month has passed us by, and a fairly busy month it was!
Read on to see who's been visiting, where they went, what they did, what they drank... and how much! We've also done a bit of local travel on top of the occasional 'hapnin'.
Remember that the Archive over on the right is where you will find the previous editions - or you can just scroll down the page... way down.
Enjoy the August Archive!!!!
The Gordy Files
Dave's brother Gordy arrived early in the month... or was it late in July? July it was. He came here straight out of a Queenstown winter so would have appreciated the nice warm weather that was put on for him here. As you already know, he did the Road Town running 10km race two days after arriving and also the Desert Duel Bike race in Anegada the following day! Nice work! Those beers and Painkillers were well earned!
Gordy took Jake out one day and they wandered off to catch the ferry across to Virgin Gorda (and the famous Baths). They both returned so things must have gone alright there. He also took a flight to Puerto Rico and spent a few days looking around San Juan, Old San Juan and the Rain Forest. The visit to the Bacardi Factory in San Juan sounded like a hit - or maybe it was just the free drinks that they poured down his throat...
In a cave at the Baths
Next up was Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. This is Christpher Columbus's old haunt. Plenty of statues, monuments and buildings all dedicated to the guy. He got a bit sick of the beggars and co around Santo Domingo who he constantly seemed to come across. It was probably just a weekend job for most of them before they donned their business suits and got back into corporate life on the monday morning.
In fact he got so sick of them that he booked himself into an all exclusive resort at Bocca Chica for a few days where he made the most of the free drinks and food that they kept throwing at him. We understand that he didn't even make it out of the resort for the three days he was there. Whether that was because he was too full to move or too pissed to walk we'll never know.
Back to Tortola for a few more beers, a painkiller or two, some touch rugby and a few days chasing the kids around brought him back to reality.
Gordy was hoping to get on the 'Banana Boat' that visits Tortola every few weeks and then meanders back down to it's home port ot Dominica. Unfortunately they delayed their visit by a week which meant that it would be too close to his scheduled departure back to NZ to make it worthwhile. However, while he was talking to one of the crew, they did mention that the boat was taking on water and that they hoped that that would be fixed before they departed. Maybe the decision not to go was the right one...
Tortola has a couple of Rotary clubs so Gordy bowled along to one of their meetings at the Moorings where he enjoyed a pretty impressive lunch and a few hours by the pool.
He also visited with the Governor to give him some tips on his garden - and create work for Dave... The Governor was kind enough to put on a few wines and beers while they walked around the garden and discussed the pros and cons of various plant types and the like.
With the Governor
He took the kids over to Jost van Dyke for a day to check out White Bay and the famous Soggy Dollar Bar (home of the original Painkiller). That done, they had a swim and staggered back to the ferry for the quick trip across to West End.
Other activities of note would include a visit to Bomba's (during the day), Bomba's (at night) and Bomba's for a full moon party. A visit to Captain Mulligan's Sports Bar was another highlight where, live on several small screens, he witnessed the All Blacks beat South Africa and, along with a bunch of excited Kiwis and Saffers, had his first drink of the day at kickoff (9 am).
We've probably missed a few bits and pieces but I'm sure he can fill you in on anything we've missed out. All in all it seemed like he had a pretty good time here and we can't rule out a return trip next year maybe. It was good having him here and the kids really enjoyed having Uncle Gordy to play with.
More Visitors
Michelle's Mum (Jan) and Keith arrived a couple of weeks back for some well earned R and R. Or so they thought!
We'll add their story next month as they are still here.
No major travels this month. All local stuff which included:
No major travels this month. All local stuff which included:
A couple of trips to Virgin Gorda,
Our second and third trips to Anegada,
More Marina Cay visits,
Snorkeling at the Indians and The Caves at Norman Island,
and of course a few drinks at the Willy T there as well.
Jake’s Fish Fingers
We had gone out on a friends boat to Norman Island for a bit of a snokel around the Indians (a rock formation sticking out of the sea) and also the Caves.
Jake’s Fish Fingers
We had gone out on a friends boat to Norman Island for a bit of a snokel around the Indians (a rock formation sticking out of the sea) and also the Caves.
Jake and Dave were snokelling around when Jake spotted some guys from a Dive boat feeding some fish. There were hundreds of fish milling about trying to get some food. Jake swam right into the middle of all this so he could see all of the action first hand. One of the divers spotted Jake and handed him some food to feed the fish. "Cool!" thinks Jake and holds out his fist full of food to the frenzy of fish. Bad move. They all went straight for him and the food was gone in seconds... as was some of the skin from his fingers. Jake defied the laws of physics and managed to let out a howl that was heard under water. Dave noted the diver who had supplied the food slowly skulking away into the background.
So Jake was now sporting numerous grazes and cuts to his fingers and wasn't a happy camper. But about 10 minutes later we headed for the Willy T where he got a tattoo and a drink and forgot (at least for a while) the fish finger incident.
Full Moon Party at Bomba’s (plus the lead up…)
Saturday morning. 0900 hours:
Saturday morning. 0900 hours:
- Kick off for the AB's v Saffers. Location: Captain Mulligan's, Nanny Cay.
- We are there (we being Michelle, Dave, Gody, Sam & Jake as well as a bunch of Kiwis and Saffers)
Beers and Ciders are being tilted to the roof as the first drink of the day accompanies the Haka.
0904 - 0949:
Many beers and ciders consumed as the match reaches half time. Pup empties as all and sundry race out to find a bathroom, toilet or fence (as applicable). More beers ordered and consumed.
Second half begins. Saffers getting quieter. Kiwis getting louder. More liquid refreshment is heading south. Kiwis getting louder still.
Game over. Saffers in tears. Kiwis drink beers.
Game post mortem commences amongst the much informed Kiwis and those Saffers who elect to hang about and drown their sorrows.
Post match analyses continue. Burgers ordered. Beers continue to arrive.
Burgers consumed. Wife and Kids head to the beach. Post mortem continues.
Beachgoers back. Maybe just one more beer...
Depart Mulligans and head for next venue.
Arrive at Pre Bomba BBQ
Beers continue to appear from thin air.
BBQ is lit.
Food is placed on BBQ
Food cooked.
Food eaten.
Trans gender clothes swapping and fit-yourself-into-the-chilli-bin-game.
A new meaning for "Getting on the p#$$"
Depart for Bomba's
Arrive Bomba's. Wander about. Have a drink or two.
Wall looming.
Hit wall. Time to go home.... Big day.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Effing Rats…
We had been feeling pretty confident that the Rat population of Cooten Bay was dwindling. Michelle was in the kitchen one day when she opened a cupboard only to see and big long Rat's tail poking out from behind a pot. Cupboard was closed and reinforcements were requested. "Dave! There's an effing Rat in the cupboard!!!"
We had been feeling pretty confident that the Rat population of Cooten Bay was dwindling. Michelle was in the kitchen one day when she opened a cupboard only to see and big long Rat's tail poking out from behind a pot. Cupboard was closed and reinforcements were requested. "Dave! There's an effing Rat in the cupboard!!!"
Reinforcements arrive. Rat is hiding. Trap and bait is placed in cupboard. Poison added for good measure. Upon checking the next day, no rat. No poison. Trap intact. The cupboard is cleaned out and a pipe is discovered in back wall. A tail dangles in pipe. It is unreachable so the pipe is plugged with stones so the rat can't get back in. We now await either a bad smell from the pipe or the rat having to come and use his house key like the rest of us.
Last Resort
Michelle entertaining the crowd with her Vanishing Tequila trick
The Last Resort was on the agenda again this month. Jan and Keith and the kids came a long for dinner and to be entertained by the singing chef and resident band. Only trouble is the resident band wasn't there but the main entertainment was so that was OK. Jake had a go on the guitar (see Video at end of this issue) and all enjoyed the Foosball... and the food and the drinks as well.
Kid’s Sailing
The kids have been doing a little bit of sailing at the Yacht Club during the summer holidays. They run weekly programmes for the kids which seem to be a lot of fun.
The kids have been doing a little bit of sailing at the Yacht Club during the summer holidays. They run weekly programmes for the kids which seem to be a lot of fun.
After Sam's first day we asked her what she did.
"I only crashed twice today. Once into another yacht and once into a Police Boat..."
We didn't ask again.
Weather Watch
A Hurricane was heading to Cayman….. then to Cuba…. then Florida…. but weakened considereably. Nothing to report here. Not even surf! But we did get a heap of rain from the tail end of it, so that was good. The garden is looking happier.
Seen on a car in Road Town
“God is my strenght”
….. obviously spelling isn’t.
Well friend, that's it for another month. We hope you enjoyed the read.
Don't forget to check out the video of Jake playing the guitar at the last resort recently. Jake, the surfy muso. Could he be the new Jack Johnson?
Next Month
Visitor's report.
Rugby - BVI vs HMS Iron Duke
Back to School
Travel... maybe?
Effing rats.... maybe?
HERE"S THE VID!!!!!!!!!!