Gidday! .
Welcome to the November Natter. Here we are again, another month gone by, and plenty happening with it. Some visitors, lots of sport and some cultural events as well just to make this a well rounded issue. Speaking of well rounded, Christmas is coming sooner than we think. Half of George Town is already lit up with Christmas lights and decorations and has been for a while!
So, away you go. Get reading!
Happy Saint Eligius Day too!
Christmas Lights
Visitor’s Report
Dave met up with BVI folk Mark McDonald and Nick Carter early in the month. They were over on business from the BVI but made the time to catch up over a couple of OJ’s which was nice.
Johnny and Emma also returned for another one-nighter on their return from Cuba en route to BVI. The weather wasn’t the best here in Cayman but they at least had to get a look at Seven Mile Beach before it got too dark. This was achieved from the beach-side bar of the Marriot. Then it was off to check out the Rugby club and enjoy some of the atmosphere there before heading out for a bite to eat, and a drink or two at Sunset House (sans sunset). This was followed by a rather large Mudslide and few more drinks at some other local establishments.
Saturday morning it was up early to catch their flight. Dave and the kids dropped Johnny and Emma at the airport and then went home to mentally prepare themselves for the All Blacks v Wales game that was being shown live at the rugby club at Midday.
Upon arriving at the club they were greeted by (lo and behold!) Emma and Johnny who were propping up the bar! Their flight had been canceled and they knew the club was open for the game so they had made a beeline for it. They managed to demolish several buckets of Heineken while watching the rugby before making their second attempt at departing Cayman. We can only assume they made it this time…
Some early Xmas photos:
Battle of Wounded Knee
The recovery process continues with Michelle becoming more mobile by the week. She has cast aside at least the crutches and has ventured back into the water, but only to do certain exercises. No real swimming allowed just yet. She is still wearing the knee brace, but only if out and about.
Michelle’s Birthday
Michelle got to spend part of her birthday at the pool. No, not that sort of pool. One where you race in. She was watching Sam race while Jake and Dave were at the Rugby. So instead of a nice relaxing time, she got to sit in front of about 50 screaming kids for a couple of hours. But Sam did swim well so that was a bonus.
Later that night a small gathering was held at home to assist in the celebration. As Michelle was still on the injured list, a few of the guests dressed up in sympathy with black eyes, fake blood etc. We also had a Dr and a Nurse in attendance as well as a couple of Pirates (well, it was still Pirate’s week after all). After a 3am finish it was an early start and back to the pool, as both kids were racing.
A motly crew indeed...
Pirates Week in Cayman
This is an annual event here and Pirates from all over the place come down for the week dressed up in all of their swashbuckling pirate garb. The new government here proposed that the week be renamed to something like “Cayman Heritage Week” as they felt that celebrating pirates wasn’t a good look for Cayman. However, one might point out that if they want to celebrate their history then maybe Pirates week is the way to go. There were plenty of them around here and we suspect that many families here descended from that line of work. Slavery is the other option as many here are descendants of slaves. There has been much debate in the media over this and we will see what results in due course.
All sorts of pirates and wenches were there
But the week itself was fairly full on. On the Friday night there was a 5 km run (in which we didn’t partake) then a big fireworks display in the Harbour which was pretty cool. Pirate competitions and bands etc where also part of it.
On Saturday there was the street parade and also the town was attacked by Pirates who came in on the Jolly Roger for some Pillagin’ and Plunderin’. Lots of people dressed up in theme and a lot of effort went into some of the costumes.
The remainder of the week was marked by various Pirate related events around the island and finished on the following Saturday with another fireworks display in the Harbour.
Pirate's Week Photos:
Avast ye scurvy dogs!!!
Swim Meet
Another swim meet was held recently during Pirate’s week. Sam swam on the Saturday and the sunday while Jake just had races on the Sunday.
Both did really well again and came away with a bunch of medals each. Their next event is the Inter-schools swim meet to be held in the second week of December.
Sam was selected to represent Cayman Prep in the inter-schools Netball competition. She has been playing at Wing Defence mostly.
They drew their first game against Georgetown Primary. But this was a good result as Georgetown had won the competition over the last few years.
The following week it was Prep 7 – Red Bay Primary 1. It was a really good game against a much bigger team. Prep’s defence really shut down the opposition for another pleasing result.
Knackerfest is an annual event hosted by the Cayman Rugby Club. It's an over 35's Rugby tournament. This year teams were coming from Miami, Delaware and Jamaica with Cayman also entering a team. Some of the players have been coming to this tournament for years and are well known around town. The club puts on plenty of hospitality for the visitors and plenty of spectators come down for a good day out.
Unfortunately on the Thursday night prior to the tournament, the president of the Jamaican Rugby Union was murdered and the team elected not to come over. However the other three teams played on in a round robin tournament. Dave fronted for the Cayman side (The Knackers)and they won their first game quite convincingly but then narrowly lost their second. But in the end they won the tournament on points scored.
Last weekend was the Cayman Tens tournament. Three teams contested this year, The Buccaneers/Pigs combined side, the Storm and the Iguanas who Dave plays for. First up the Storm beat the Bucc/Pigs. Then the Iguanas beat them as well, effectively putting them out of contention. The next game was to be a round robin game but since it would make no difference to who played in the final, it became the final. The Storm got out to a commanding lead early on before the Iguanas clawed their way back into the game. It was a tight last few minutes with the Storm making it home with just a few points to spare.
Kids Rugby Tournament
The rugby club recently held an inter-schools Tag Rugby tournament. This included the schools that Dave has been coaching in for the last month or so. On the day he had Nine teams from his two schools to look after. But thankfully the visiting UK Police Women's team were on hand to 'adopt' a few teams so he was able to keep a roving eye on his teams throughout the day. There were about 150 kids playing (in three grades) and for the majority it was their first time playing rugby against another team.
Dave's six teams (two in each grade) from Cayman Prep cleaned up coming First and Second in two grades and First and Third in the other. So a pretty good result really.
There is another tournament coming up in a week or so and he hopes to see his 'local' kids win a game or two. Even though they didn't win any last time, the kids had a ball and are keen to have another crack now that they know what it's all about... and Rugby was the winner on the day.
Dave and his Prospect Primary Kids
Sam & Co, one of the winning Cayman Prep Teams
Hurricane Ida passed us by. It was not really very close but Cayman spent several very wet days with a little bit of stormy wind to accompany it. It was enough to cancel the kids rugby, all training and a planned diving trip.
Next Month
Trini? Dave heads back for another crack.
Kids Tag Tournament # 2
White Xmas. Will we get one?
Visitors. Who's heading this way now? .