Welcome to the Limited Collector’s Edition…very limited. We did promise to provide an update with the results of the BVI’s MOvember 2007. Our production crew has been working overtime to bring this to you, so here it is!
The hair is gone and the lips are bare, there’s no more MOs! Not Anywhere!
There were black ones and grey ones and hairy and cropped
Why oh why has this madness just stopped?
Some looked like Ninjas, some looked like Cops
There were plenty of Gingas, now that can’t be topped.
There were bikies and perves and Borats and Zoros
Handlebars growing like there was no tomorrow
They were after a prize on a night to remember
It was the ultimate score, "The Man of MOvember"
The BVI Man of MOvember Parté
The Movember party kicked off in style at a popular bar/restaurant called the Dove on Tuesday December 4th in Road Town, Tortola. It was the talk of the town. OK it was the talk of the blokes in town who were growing MOs. Dave, along with a strong contingent from the Rugby Club attended. Upon walking in, one could be excused for thinking that they had entered a Gay bar. It looked like a Village People redemption gathering. It was full of blokes with moustaches of various shapes, size and colour. Not too many ladies present – and certainly none with moustaches.
Dave was having a beer and comparing MO results when a guy in a bright red checked shirt and shaggy blond hair excused himself and his female partner so they could get past and retreat into a quieter section of the bar. He was probably thinking that, given the high percentage of moustachioed males the lack of women, maybe it WAS a gay bar and wanted to hoof it. But he just made his way to a table in the corner where he could spend some time with his lady. Dave didn’t recognize him until someone pointed out who they were. We felt privileged to be in the company of Notting Hill star (Rhys Ifans – aka Spike, Hugh Grant’s flatmate in the movie) and his girlfriend, Sienna Miller. Dave didn’t know her from a bar of soap but thought Spike was a pretty cool dude.
They later learned that the guy might have got spooked when all the camera flashes started going off and he thought the paparazzi had arrived. As the MOvember numbers in the bar swelled, so did the cameras. Everyone wanted pics of everyone else’s MOs. It appeared that, at that stage, no-one had taken any notice of Spike at all. In fact at one point ‘Spike’ was approached by a half-cut camera wielding moustachioed dude who went up to him and said “Excuse me mate. Would you mind taking a picture of me and my mates on the camera?” That was probably the last straw and away he went to seek some seclusion.
The list of contestants
Anyway, enough of them, we aren’t the paparazzi. Back to the MOmentous occasion of the “Man of MOvember” contest. There were about seven categories and the contestants had to choose one in which to enter.
There were:
MOst Pathetic – for those follicly challenged upper lips.
The Hairiest MO.
Handlebars – speaks for itself really.
Mr. Dodgy – the creepy child molester-like look.
The Most Kissable – another one for those without much to show.
The MOst Policeman-like MO – for those with the “Constabule”-like look, and the ultimate prize - The Man of MOvember.
Two 'Coppa' hopefuls
Each category was sponsored by one of the local restaurants, pubs or bars and prizes were awarded from each of those sponsors. Dave entered the Most Policeman-like MO…and against some very stiff (and bushy opposition) he WON!!! The prize was a Tray of Shots (nobody new what was in them, but they went down pretty well), a kid’s set of Cop stuff (Gun, Handcuffs, baton and radio), a bag of Donuts (which also got devoured rather rapidly) and a Dinner for Two at Castaways (including first drinks!). Which is all pretty cool apart from the fact that Castaways doesn’t actually serve food just yet. But when they do – we’ll be there!!
My Acceptance speech

The Rugby Club boys had been challenged by the namby pamby French Canadian Ice Hockey lads (yes, they play on a tennis court here at the Sports club) over who would have the best MOs. Up until the final category (Man of MOvember) we were neck and neck with Two wins each. We thought we were robbed when we thought one of our boys was a sitter for Mr Dodgy – but that went to the frogs. The Overall winner was announced and it was a good old Morrinsville boy (Adam McDonnell) who took out the major title for the Rugby club, thus securing the win over the Hockey guys. His dodgy powder blue seventies safari suit was the clincher…
The celebrations continued into the night as was evident in a lot of work places the next day.
The hangovers are now distant memories (not sure if that makes sense!) and life is back to as normal as it gets around here.
It was a good night (especially for a Tuesday!) and not only did the pub run out of beer, we raised about $5,000 for the MOvember charity. Nice work. What will 2008 bring…
Jamie raised $200 on the spot for this effort. He must keep it for a month. He really just wanted the same haircut as his two mates (below) ...
A couple of Kiwis and a couple of Handlebar hopefuls trying to impress the judges

The 2007 BVI Man of MOvember....
1 comment:
Congratulation guys on twelve months. Love the video footage Dave!! How's the garden growing, we haven't had an update. When we win lotto this weekend we'll be over to see you on our yacht!!!
Steve and Colleen and girls
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