. September 2011.
Hello there and welcome back to our September missive. Compared to last month it doesn't look as though we've done all that much in September. There have been a few goings on - touch season ends, sea swim, health alerts, alien invasions. Just the usual really. Read on!
End of Season Touch Rugby Dinner
The Annual Touch Dinner & Prizegiving was held earlier in the month. This event always has a theme. This year it was "Space". So there were plenty of space-related outfits on show.
As is the norm, it was a great night with good food and plenty of beer, wine and whatever else was on offer. Yes, it's true, some people were feeling a little worse for wear the following day.
Michelle managed to get herself up on the podium...twice. She was the highest points scorer amongst the women, and she was also voted Best Female player in our division.
The Avatar folk won the prize for Best Dressed
Spock and his mates beamed themselves down for the evening.
A couple of Space folk with Princess Leia.
Pigs in Space meet Avatar
Alien chick
See more photos from the touch dinner:
800m Sea Swim
The next day was the half mile sea swim from Governor's beach. Although we were feeling just a little bit under the weather we all headed off down to the beach to take part. Michelle, still sporting a bit of green paint, had a good swim and came in in first place in her age group.
Sam did the same in hers. Jake also did well with a third place in his age group. Dave finished the race in a reasonable time for him, but unfortunatly wasn't rewarded with too much silverware.
Since we can, we head down to the beach most sunday afternoons. We have had the odd rainstorm of late, which results in the kids splashing about in the sea and the adults sheltering under their beach umbrellas while nursing a beer or two.
Our last visit was a hot one, which is no surprise really.
Sam has a play in a Kayak
Sunset means it's about time to head home for the day
These critters have been appearing on selected power lines around town in the late afternoon recently. We wondered if Alfred Hitchcock was doing a re-make of 'The Birds'.
Touch Rugby
The touch finals day was held a few weeks ago. Our team had managed to claw its way into the top four over the previous few weeks, securing third position in the division. That meant we were to play the 2nd placegetters in the semi final.
It was a very warm day but the team was confident of causing an upset. The game was a very even affair with the scores being tied at 3 - 3 at full time. This meant extra time was to be played and each team would drop a player every minute. After working up the pitch with some solid attacking play, the good guys camped on the opposition line. It was down to the last touch when a gap was spotted and Lisa (one of our more experienced players) popped a ball to Dave who managed to dive over for the winning try. They had made the final!
Dave's other team got cleaned up in their semi and they quite happily set up camp close to the bar for the remainder of the day.
During some of the other games later on in the day, the heavens opened and the rain bucketed down. The lighting cracked and people scattered for cover as one lightning bolt struck ground somewhere close. All play was suspended as within minutes the pitch disappeared under water.
The rain eventually stopped and play continued, although only games for 1st and 2nd would be played given the state of the ground, and the time lost.
Because it was so wet and slippery, the style of play had to change. Some teams managed, some didn't.
Michelle got roped in to play for a team in one of the other divisions and delighted the crowd with a diving sliding try through a massive puddle.
We were up next. We had beaten this team the previous week so knew we could do it again. But they were well up to the task and their superior speed made all of the difference. The final score was 5 - 3 (or there abouts). But it was a good season for reatively inexperienced team.
The good guys!
Half time during the final. Things aren't going so well -
as you can probably tell by some of the body language!
That's more like it! Notice how sodden some of us are!
Next Month
The kids at a recent sleep over/birthday party
Health Alert
Well, it's not that bad. The Chicken Pox have been doing the rounds here of late. Some friends of ours picked them up and as the kids hang out a lot together, it was likely that there would be a few spotty kids around. Sam was OK as she'd had it as a baby. We weren't sure about Jake. We thought he may have had it when Sam did, but just didn't show any spots. But no, this wasn't the case - he got it big time. Jake has had the last week at home with a few other kids while they were banished from school.
We even had a "Pox Party" here at home last weekend with three families of pox-ridden kids runnng about.
He's all but over it now so should be back at school this week.
Work function
Work function
Michelle had some clients visit and rather than just taking them out for dinner it was decided to take them on a boat ride to see a bit of the island. They hired a really flash motor boat and went over to Rum Point & Kaibo for a quick Mudslide. While over there the Captain got his jetski off the boat and tried to entice everyone - there wasn't much interest since they were all still in their work clothes but since they were assured they wouldn't get wet, Michelle bravely decided to give it a go. Captain Adam told her to hold on tight three times and even though she thought she was, she realised why he kept saying it - they took off very fast and she nearly fell off the back! They got to 70mph very quickly - it was very cool but windy! Some of the others then decided to have a go as well which was great. The ride back was very pleasant into the sunset - a very nice evening which everyone seemed to enjoy.
Still wearing the office attire....
Next Month
October brings us Halloween and maybe a trip somewhere. Not sure what else we have planned, but we'll be reporting back at the end of the month, so have a good one and we'll catch you soon!
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