..March 2012 ..
Well wouldn't you know it. March has been and gone for 2012. Another busy month for us, but not quite as busy as February, Travel-wise anyway! None of us left the country in March but we ended up doing plenty here anyway. Some sports, some parties, some more sport... Must be the season.Enjoy the read!
Quick Announcement
We are pleased (and proud) to announce that Sam has made the selection into the Cayman Swim team for the upcoming CARIFTA games to be held in the Bahamas in April. She is probably one of the youngest swimmers in this group (as she had to be 11 at 31 Dec - just made it by 5 days!) and has been entered in the 100m Back, the 200m Back and the 100m Free. She made qualifying times in five events but due to the strong group of girls here in her age group, they are spreading the load. Michelle and Sam will head to Bahamas soon and they will provide a tour report in time for the next issue. Good luck Sam!
Speaking of fish, Michelle and Dave took advantage of a child free Sunday morning and went for a shore dive just down the street from the house. Eden Rock was the venue and they were the first couple of divers out that morning so it was quite nice to bimble about and check out what's happening under water.
We only got one game of Gaelic in during March. Michelle's team managed to scrape out a draw in their feisty but entertaining match. A match in which the Ref had his hands full with some controversial calls and some very unhappy players.
Dave's team also pulled off a come-from-behind win.
Dave's Birthday
Dave had a birthday in March. Just another one...
Anyway, one of his mates decided to put a party on for him out at the airport. He arranged a few rich boys toys including a few private jets, boats, bikes, cars etc etc. Just the usual.
He even arranged these three hot chicks to be there!
OK, it wasn't really a party for Dave. It was the annual Island Air party which is always pretty well to do. And yes, they did have all the toys out on display should anyone wish to make an investment.
This should be enough Hp to ski behind... or fly!
Looks like someone has been frequenting the Mojito bar...
There were several choices when it came to liquid refreshments and all complimentary as well. Beers in one corner. Rums and Mojitos in another. The Veuve in another, and a couple of other bars that kept people happy I'm sure.
Funnily enough, the girls congregated next to a couple of private jets... or maybe it was because the jets were parked next to the Veuve bar...
The lads didn't stray too far from the Mojtos.
The Iguanas are on form!
It's those three chicks again!
Hmmm.... not sure the groceries would fit in that.
Oh no! A bit of turbulence as we jet around the Caribbean skies.
The Official Iguana Lounge.
Notice the Heineken Charity Shield in there too.
Mmmmm...might take this one.
Annual 5 Km Irish Jog
The annual Irish Jog takes place here every St Paddies day (or thereabouts). This year it was on the Friday night, St Paddies day Eve, and started at 5:30pm. Over 1000 people took part this year, including Dave, and first-timers - Jake & Michelle!
Michelle and Dave took off together at a reasonable clip. Michelle faded a little during the hill phase and seemingly never-ending winding track through the golf course and came in just behind Dave. Jake hit the wall about half-way through but bravely battled on and finished strongly. Good job!
Michelle and Dave had time to recover for the photo. Jake, not so lucky.
In the meantime, Sam disguises herself as a Leprechaun...
Beach Party
One of Sam's friends, Skyler, had her birthday party on the beach. They hired a few water toys and had a lot of fun.
The latest fashion in life jackets...
Olympic Swim Session
The newly appointed Director of Swimming for Cayman (Ian Armiger) was in town recently, and with him were three of his charges from Great Britain who will be swimming at the Olympics in London this year. All three won medals at the 2010 Commonwealth Games and are hopeful for more success this year.
They ran a session at the pool with the kids and gave them all a few tips on their techniques which the kids all found useful. The kids spent time in the pool with the Olympians and then hounded them for autographs and pictures later.
Sam gets put through the 'Start'.
The kids with Joe Roebuck Also with Caitlin McClatchey and Amy Smith2012 Duathlon
Duathlon time again. Mick and Dave have been training hard for ... ummm...OK, no they hadn't. Although Dave has been doing some running, Mick hasn't done much in the way of cycling recently...not even recycling!
Anyway, if you cast you minds back about 12 months, you will recall that Lisa (Mrs Mick) and Sue (friend of Mrs Mick, and ours) managed to beat Mick and Dave in the teams event. In fact, Michelle, who was doing it solo, beat them as well!
This year was going to be a new year. The turning of the page. The new beginning. And Mick had a proper racing bike this year, which would make the world of difference.
The start was imminent. Some were looking a little worse for wear at that time of day on a Sunday morning. But no excuses, they were off! Lisa and Dave took off like robbers dogs. Michelle elected to stick to her race plan since she also had the bike to do. Dave managed to stick with Lisa for about 2/3rds of the two mile leg before his body realised what time of day it was. But he hung on and finished not too far behind Lisa. Michelle would be a similar distance behind Dave, but running solidly.
Mick took off in hot pursuit of Sue on the bike. But Sue was on a mission. She had been given a small lead and wasn't about to give it up easily. However, she did arse off at the transition, but that didn't really affect the race. She had built on their lead a little prior to the last leg, another run.
Mick came in next and then Dave set off ever hopeful that Lisa had got lost or had stopped to pick some daisies or chase a butterfly. No such luck. The course was pretty much out and back, the road side had been trimmed and the butterflies were still wrapped up in their cocoons at that time of day.
The girls take the trophy again...
The boys looking fresh as ever...
Michelle ran a strong race and came in 4th in the individual women, which was a pretty good effort!
More photos from March:
Beach Volleyball
The Beach Volleyball circuits hits Cayman every year - well, the last four years anyway.
Sam and her friend Skyler volunteered for Ball Boy/Girl duty, which was a lot of fun but very hot and tiring, especially after a day standing out on court with very little shade.
Dave and Jake went down on finals day to check out the action. What else should a man do after a gruelling Duathlon? Meanwhile, Michelle and some of the girls went around to a Mate's place for a birthday party afternoon and several bubblies.
Nice action...
Jake managed to get involved as well. They were looking for people to take part in various silly games as a bit of a crowd warmer, promotion deal. When they announced that the winner of the next race would get a cell phone, Jake leapt onto the court, ready for action. He was up against a 20-something year-old who thought she had the phone done and dusted.They had to run a length of the court, spin around 10 times with their head on a pole, and then race back. The chick wiped out after the 8th revolution and was still grovelling on the ground in despair as Jake raced away to claim the prize. He was pretty happy and is now the proud owner of his own phone...although he's not allowed to take it to school, but enjoys playing the games on it!
Sam watches on from her station in the corner.
Yes, there were blokes playing as well..
However some spectators of the fairer sex were heard to utter some complaints regarding the excessive clothing worn by the guys when compared to the women. Fair point I guess! The games were good with plenty of action. The weather was cooking, the beers were cold. Perfect! This lady is 6'5". Pretty handy in any Volleyball team! Funnily enough, they won the final.
The camera takes an interest in Jake and his mate.
After a hard couple of days, the girls are ready to drop.
But not before dinner at Sunset House...watching the Sunset!More Volleyball pics (go on, you know you want to!):
Next Month:
CARIFTA Swim report.
Jake plays in the curtain raiser for the International Rugby Test (and world cup qualifier) between Cayman and Mexico. In fact you can watch it live (and free) on http://www.caymanrugbytv.com/ Sat 21 April (from about 1pm Cayman Time).
The Easter Bunny might pop in?
The National Touch League starts up
Gaelic is back on the menu
A bird's eye view?
The Million Dollar Race
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